A Latin translator under D. Pedro II: perspectives towards Translation History of Ancient Greek and Roman Literature.


  • Brunno Vinicius Gonçalves Vieira Faculdade de Ciências e Letras - UNESP/Câmpus Araraquara




José Feliciano de Castilho, História da Tradução, Lucano


In this paper I present some results of a study that seeks to catalog, study and publicize the work of José Feliciano de Castilho (1810-1879) as Latin translator. Faced with several approaches that precedent translating practices could open, this paper is divided in two parts. In the first, I intent to show the importance of Castilho’s translation work to understand the Brazilian literary scene in the “Segundo Reinado”. In the second part of the paper, I emphasize the value of Translation History to contemporary translating practices, by showing how is done my translation reading of Lucan’s Portuguese text of Castilho José.

How to Cite

Vieira, B. V. G. (2010). A Latin translator under D. Pedro II: perspectives towards Translation History of Ancient Greek and Roman Literature. Revista Letras, 80(1). https://doi.org/10.5380/rel.v80i1.17072



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