Caiçaras Fishermen Identities: Heroism and Precariousness in Traditional Populations?


  • Nancy Ramacciotti de Oliveira-Monteiro Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
  • Rodolfo Eduardo Scachetti Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
  • Victor Nagib Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)



artisanal fishing, caiçaras communities, fishermen, Baixada Santista


From an Eriksonian perspective, psychosocial identity manifests itself in everyday occupational, family and intersocial relations. Changes resulting from ecosystemical interactions involving nature, society and technology take place in peculiar rhythms and ranges, in different areas of contemporary human work. Research shows artisanal fishing is impacted by these changes. In order to study aspects of identity in the psychosocial profiles of artisanal fishermen, three caiçaras fishermen from Baixada Santista (SP) were investigated through open interviews, questionnaires and participant observation. Using qualitative methodology, the results were systematized indicating enhancement of the profession / craft (the hero fisherman that faces major challenges from nature) and attributes of a worker involved in precariousness (harm to health and livelihood), with few resources from formal education and  power to face the emerging challenges of contemporary political interactions. The data was discussed in controversial perspectives of understanding on the artisanal fishermen communities as traditional populations, in their coexistence with the modernization processes of urban culture.



How to Cite

Oliveira-Monteiro, N. R. de, Scachetti, R. E., & Nagib, V. (2017). Caiçaras Fishermen Identities: Heroism and Precariousness in Traditional Populations?. Desenvolvimento E Meio Ambiente, 41.


