Use of Illustrated Charts for Selection of Native Tree Species in the Participatory Planning of Agroforestry Systems with Farming Families from Núcleo Luta Camponesa of Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia, PR


  • Gabriela Arruda Canosa Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS)
  • Julian Perez Cassarino Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS)
  • Josimeire Leandrini Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS)



agroforestry systems, Agroecology, native tree species, family agriculture, participatory methodology


The current need of strategies related to the use of tree species in family units of production is a result of various legal, historical, ecological, social and economical aspects. Among them we have the legal obligation of forest recovery in these units, the socio-economic benefits and ecological importance of the forest component in agroecosystems, and the need for upgrading the use of native species in tropical regions. Given this, the present work aims at describing and analyzing the selection of native tree species from the grant given by the use of illustrated charts in participatory planning of agroforestry systems, which were carried out with groups of farming families with agroecological production. For the preparation of charts, a bibliographical survey was made, which was systematized in a database built on this work, leading to the selection of 72 species, included in 33 botanical families, considered with potential for use in agroforestry systems and occurring in the territory of Cantuquiriguaçu/PR and surroundings. In the charts, the information about potential use, ecological characteristics, succession group, among other attributes, are included, exhibited didactically to farmers. In the context of use of chips, these were presented during the 13 planning agroforestry systems made with four ecological groups of Núcleo Luta Camponesa of Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia, which is inserted into the Cantuquiriguaçu/PR. Among the total of 77 species listed during the planning to compose the agroforestry systems, 57 are native tree species and, of these, 54 are included in the illustrated charts. From the objectives initially expected, it was found that the charts served with the purpose of encouraging the use of native species in the agroforestry systems planned, working as a historical memory of farmers. However, its use had limitations due to the volume of records and information, so it was suggested the joint with methodological tools to facilitate understanding or the pre-selection of the chips before the meetings.



How to Cite

Canosa, G. A., Cassarino, J. P., & Leandrini, J. (2016). Use of Illustrated Charts for Selection of Native Tree Species in the Participatory Planning of Agroforestry Systems with Farming Families from Núcleo Luta Camponesa of Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia, PR. Desenvolvimento E Meio Ambiente, 39.


