Complex education for a new policy of civilization


  • Izabel Petraglia Núcleo Interinstitucional de Investigação da Complexidade


subject, complex education, ecosophy, civilization policy, sujeito, educação complexa, ecosofia, política de civilização


This article presents reflections based upon three interdependent andcomplementary axes which have directed our educational actions. Atfirst we try to get to know the subject of the educational process, taking into account the influences he received from modernity and its effects inthe present time. With regard to this subject, who is first of all a complexbeing, immersed in the cultural hotbed of its time and space, we bet on acomplex education, able to promote ethico-political questioning that caninfluence its self-organizing process. A complex education can also fosterthe emergence of the awareness of our planetary citizenship and it canhave a positive impact upon the transformation of the planet. In order toachieve this, it is fundamental to establish a new civilization policy whichvalues the subject’s healthy and loving conviviality with himself, with theothers, with the diversities and at last with the environment.

How to Cite

Petraglia, I. (2008). Complex education for a new policy of civilization. Educar Em Revista, 24(32), p. 29–41. Retrieved from



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