The impact of land use/land cover change in suburban subdivisions on surface runoff: the case of the Gated Community Alto da Boa Vista (Federal District, Brazil)




land tenure regularization, environmental deterioration, subdivision impacts, catchment hydrology, urban planning.


Environmental damages are inherent to urbanization processes and therefore need to be carefully measured and mitigated, especially those that affect hydrological regimes, because they reverberate beyond the urbanized area and reach the entire watershed. Although essential for mitigating environmental damages affecting suburban subdivisions, drainage systems and rainwater management are usually given secondary status during urban land planning. The present study evaluated the implications of the absence of adequate subdivision planning, focusing on the process of occupation and regularization of the Gated Community Alto da Boa Vista in the Sobradinho Administrative District (in Brazil’s Federal District). Our sources were land regularization documents, data on rainfall, soil typology and remote sensing imagery. The images allowed us to detect changes in soil cover over several years and to identify resulting changes in infiltration and runoff. Data analysis showed that faulty attention was given to environmental and urban aspects during the planning phase and the installation of the gated community and contributed to the occurrence of erosion processes. It was found that it is necessary to improve public management routines to expedite the granting of urban and environmental licenses, in addition to defining technically adequate and integrated requirements for the installation of drainage systems and the management of rainwater runoff in areas affected by urban expansion.

Author Biographies

Rebecca Costa Santos, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF

Mestranda em Desenvolvimento Sustentável pelo Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável/UnB. Especialista em Direito Ambiental pela UFPR. Graduada em Engenharia Florestal pela UnB. Auditora de Controle Ambiental do Governo do Distrito Federal.

José Augusto Leitão Drummond, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF

Professor Associado Aposentado. Bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (1975). M. Sc. em Environmental Science pela The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington (EUA) (1988). Ph. D. em Land Resources pela University of Wisconsin, Madison (EUA) (1999). Dedica-se aos temas de políticas ambientais; usos alternativos de recursos naturais; desenvolvimento sustentável; usos e conflitos em torno de recursos naturais; políticas ambientais; Amazônia; Cerrado; unidades de conservação; história ambiental.

Gustavo Macedo de Mello Baptista, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF

Gustavo Macedo de Mello Baptista é Professor Associado II do Instituto de Geociências da Universidade de Brasília. Membro permanente dos do Programas de Pós-Graduação em Geociências Aplicadas e Geodinâmica (IG/UnB) e em Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CDS/UnB). Tem experiência na área de Geociências, com ênfase em Sensoriamento Remoto e em Avaliação Ambiental e Urbana. Pesquisador do Núcleo Brasília do INTC Observatório das Metrópoles.



How to Cite

Costa Santos, R., Leitão Drummond, J. A., & Macedo de Mello Baptista, G. (2024). The impact of land use/land cover change in suburban subdivisions on surface runoff: the case of the Gated Community Alto da Boa Vista (Federal District, Brazil). Desenvolvimento E Meio Ambiente, 63.


