The environmental crisis and the field of political ecology: a Freudian psychoanalytic perspective


  • Ana Lizete Farias Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, PR



environmental crisis, climate change, environment and psychoanalysis, political ecology, pandemic


The relationship between environmental thinking and the Psychoanalysis thought by Freud still needs to be better thematized. It requires complex and interdisciplinary theoretical assumptions, not only from Environmental Sciences, but also from Humanities. This essay aims to point some reflections in this direction. It is understood that the environmental crisis, in its most emerging facet, climate change, should not be reduced to the perspective that the environment is in crisis, because what is really at stake is a way of being, a collective way of life, that is, the subjectivity of a civilization. In view of this, the environmental crisis unveils an unconscious process in the psychic economy, something that has been well appropriated by the capitalist way of life and that, by definition, has no proper, natural, immanent relationship with the world of nature.

Author Biography

Ana Lizete Farias, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, PR

Psicoanalista, Doctora en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo por la Universidad Federal de Paraná- UFPR. Magíster en Geología Ambiental por la UFPR. Geóloga, por la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul. Autora del libro: Psicanálise e meio ambiente: caminhos para uma educação ambiental. Medusa Ediciones, 2021.



How to Cite

Farias, A. L. (2023). The environmental crisis and the field of political ecology: a Freudian psychoanalytic perspective. Desenvolvimento E Meio Ambiente, 62.



Psychoanalysis, philosophy and political ecology