Old versus modern: the historical debate between Gottsched, Bodmer and Breitinger


  • Michael Korfmann UFRGS




Ciencias Humanas, Letras, Artes


Abstract: This article analyses the writings of Johann Christoph Gottsched, Johann Jakob Bodmer and Johann Jakob Breitinger. Their poetic reflections mark the end of a historical period characterized by a stratified social structure and its regulating and normative poetics. Even though their reflections are rooted in traditional concepts, one may find in these texts certain traces and initial reflections on the differentiation of modern literature and its forthcoming autonomy that will rejects social delimitations and esthetics based on mimesis and morality.

Key-words; Johann Christoph Gottsched; Johann Jakob Bodmer; Johann Jakob Breitinger.


Author Biography

Michael Korfmann, UFRGS

Professor Adjunto da UFRGS/Instituto de Letras/Departamento de Linguas Modernas/Setor de Alemão

How to Cite

Korfmann, M. (2010). Old versus modern: the historical debate between Gottsched, Bodmer and Breitinger. Revista Letras, 80(1). https://doi.org/10.5380/rel.v80i1.15828



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