Subjectivation and the education through the internet


  • Alysson Ramos Artuso


subjetivação, poder, novas tecnologias, mídia e educação, ensino-aprendizagem através da internet, subjectivation, power, new technologies, media and education, teach-learning process through the internet


This article is a study about power mechanism and subjectivation that exist in the teach-learning process through the internet. The Foucault and Deleuzes ideas are used to analyze the mechanisms present in the porposals of internets use in formal and distance education, followed by web ethic description. This analysis works with the productive power idea, mixed with and within social micro-situations, and the new educational technology structure where can emerge new subjects and subjectivities, but this also offers new breaches for resistance.

How to Cite

Artuso, A. R. (2005). Subjectivation and the education through the internet. Educar Em Revista, 21(26), p. 115–129. Retrieved from



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