Did you understand, or would you like me to draw it?


  • Tamara da Silveira Valente Universidade Federal do Paraná


aspectos figurativos e operativos, imagem mental, conceito científico, teoria piagetiana, figurative and operative aspects, mental image, scientific concepts, Piaget


The aim of this essay is to discuss the figurative and operative aspects
involved in the construction of scientific concepts and, more specifically, the
role the mental image, as conceived by Jean Piaget, plays in it. Furthermore,
it searches to contribute to the discussion concerning the construction of
scientific concepts formation in graduate students.

How to Cite

Valente, T. da S. (2007). Did you understand, or would you like me to draw it?. Educar Em Revista, 23(30), p. 131–144. Retrieved from https://revistas.ufpr.br/educar/article/view/11381



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