Language in asymmetrically construed verbal interactions: which words can therein arise


  • Rosa Helena Blanco Machado Universidade do Estado da Bahia
  • Carlos Alberto Faraco UFPR



dialogismo, heteroglossia, palavra de autoridade, palavra internamente persuasiva.


This article investigates the reason why boys and girls living in the streets of Salvador use silence and refusal to answer questions posed by interviewers (university professors and students), mostly when questions refer to social institutions such as family, school and police. The results of this research
shed light on better understanding the linguistic behavior of people, mainly when they find themselves in asymmetrically
constituted speech, but not only in such situations, through Bakthin’s concepts of language, heteroglossia, the dialogic
nature of language, social voices and authoritative discourse and internally persuasive discourse as constituents
of our speech.

Author Biographies

Rosa Helena Blanco Machado, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Professora titular da Universidade do Estado da Bahia.

Carlos Alberto Faraco, UFPR

Professor Titular da Universidade Federal do Paraná.

How to Cite

Machado, R. H. B., & Faraco, C. A. (2007). Language in asymmetrically construed verbal interactions: which words can therein arise. Revista Letras, 72.



Estudos Linguísticos