Teaching History in context of Social Sciences: fundamental principles


  • Joaquín Prats


Didática das Ciências Sociais, Ensino de História, Educação Histórica, Epistemologia do Ensino de História, Didacticism of the Social Sciences, Teaching of History, Historical Education, Epistemology of History Teaching


Starting from the discussion about the nature of Social Sciences and its relationships with Education, this work defends that it is indispensable that the education offers a didacticism of Social Sciences that considers the nature of this type of knowledge, so those can be disciplines that form and introduce the students in a learning plan that makes them discover the rationality of the social analysis, with the whole formative load that it has. In that sense, it is fundamental that it is not diluted in the Social Sciences, but that it be configured in the school curriculum in a coherent way with the social science that produced this knowledge. Taking as object the History, here are presented the purposes and objectives of that discipline, highlighting its formative potentialities. History teaching is discussed recollecting that, besides the hermeutics difficulties that are inherent to every process of transmission of knowledge, the History gathers characteristics that transform it in a learning field with special difficulties. It is indicated the need of teaching History using the historians instruments, deriving of there the methods and work techniques, that point for activities that should be present in the whole didactic process, summarized in the following points: to learn to formulate hypotheses; to learn to classify historical sources; to learn to analyze sources; to learn to analyze the credibility of the sources; and, last, the learning of the causality and the initiation in the historical explanation.

How to Cite

Prats, J. (2006). Teaching History in context of Social Sciences: fundamental principles. Educar Em Revista, p. 191–218. Retrieved from https://revistas.ufpr.br/educar/article/view/5540



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