Media and education: on the scene, ways of young existences


  • Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer


mídia, juventude, televisão, diferença, normalidade, cultura, media, youth, television, difference, normality, culture


The aim of this paper is to articulate young voices and media products addressed to the public from 15 to 25 years old. Starting from debates with students from private and public schools, I analyzed how media is constructing the other, in terms of economical, racial and ethnic differences; also in terms of differences of gender, age and physical appearance. The theoretical references are Foucaults concepts of normality, abnormality and ways of subjectivation, in order to discuss how our society of image and spectacle nominates the young others, and how students from Porto Alegre (Brazil), realize this process. I also used the contribution of Maria Rita Kehl and Jorge Larrosa, to think about a young normality in Brazilian media. At the conclusion, I suggest that debates and analysis about media, in students company, represent a strong possibility of imagining new forms of young existences in our culture.

How to Cite

Fischer, R. M. B. (2005). Media and education: on the scene, ways of young existences. Educar Em Revista, 21(26), p. 17–38. Retrieved from



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