Experimental regulation or regulatory sandbox – understanding and challenges
Experimental regulation. New technologies. Economic development.Abstract
The intense and rapid transformations in society, also caused by new technologies, challenge the methods of ordering the legal system, which would have to accompany such changes, so that regulators began to adopt another way of conceiving the norms: through experimental regulation or regulatory sandbox. In summary, the regulator delimits that a group or a restricted space is subject to a flexible, different regulation, and for a certain time. With this, the positive and negative externalities can be visualized through a real experience, consecrating a concerted construction of regulation that will eventually migrate to the entire market. This institute encourages the structured experimentation of innovative products and services in a controlled environment and under the supervision of the regulator, trying to mitigate regulatory disconnection. In this context, this research intends, through a deductive approach methodology, and by the method of expository procedure, to establish, in its first part, the theoretical-dogmatic premises of this institute. In the end, through the method of expository and comparative procedure, it is intended to demonstrate to the reader the complexities revealed by the application of institutes of this type, putting in check the dogmatics of some of them. It is established as a research problem to analyze and systematize the theoretical-dogmatic premises of experimental regulation or regulatory sandbox, suggesting contributions for the adjustment of this model in relation to the legal-positive spectrum currently practiced.
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