On the effectiveness of public hearings as an instrument for deliberation in the field of Judicial Power
Public hearings. Judicial Power. Deliberation mechanisms.Abstract
The use of public hearings in the decision-making process by the Judiciary in Brazil is a relatively new mechanism, dating from 2007 its first use by the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court, even though there is legal provision since 1999. The purpose of this article is to investigate the effectiveness of public hearings as an instrument of democratic engagement (or as an institution of participation and deliberation), giving greater democratic legitimacy to the judgments of the constitutional courts, especially within the scope of the Supreme Federal Court. For that, the dialectical method will be used, through bibliographic review, opposing the different doctrinal points of view, in order to reach a conclusion on such effectiveness. In this sense, at first, the current constitutional models and the current role played by the Judiciary will be analyzed. Then, the institute of public hearings will be detailed and the main cases in which they were used in the Supreme Federal Court will be observed. Finally, authors who understand them as effective and those who understand them as unproductive will be opposed. It is concluded that the constitutional courts still need to improve the dialogues in favor of a broader participation and of a real deliberation in the heart of the typical activity of judging, thus conferring popular meaning and democratic legitimacy to their decisions.
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