
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Upload the file with the manuscript content with the authors' names (title page included) using <.doc> Word or similar.

    We strongly recommend the use of libreoffice writer.

    Please get the template by clicking here.

  • Consider all the information: ask for the new Template at

    1. Full name of authors.
    2. Check the correct order of authors.
    3. Affiliation (full names).
    4. City, state or province, and country.
    5. Title in English - bold.
    6. Abstract
    7. Keywords
  • The chosen sector for the submission must always be: ARTICLES or "Review article". Please include the specific section of the manuscript. Short-communications are not considered.

    Other types of articles are accepted: Letters to the Editor, Editorials, and Opinion papers.

  • The author MUST indicate three reviewers that have to be specialists in the area. Do not include reviewers from your institution or research group.

    Include full name, full address, ORCID, and email.

Author Guidelines

INSTRUCTION - General information

The journal ARCHIVES OF VETERINARY SCIENCE (AVS) is published four times a year, under the supervision of its Editorial Board. The objective of AVS is to publish full original and review articles that are related to Veterinary Medicine, including small and large animal clinics, surgery, pathology, preventive medicine, epidemiology, One and Global Health, nutrition, modern food, production systems, therapeutics, environmental impact, reproduction, animal genetics, food inspection, rural economy, and sociological structure. We publish Opinion articles, Letters to the Editor, and editorials. AVS does not publish case reports.

Article publishing will depend on the correctness of the document following the editorial rules and the “ad hoc” Reviewers’ report. All reviews will be taken confidentially and impartially. All manuscripts will be taken as original material and are the entire responsibility of their authors. The manuscript must be submitted online at the AVS homepage: More information can be found in the section “About” or by email: or

MANUSCRIPT PRESENTATION – Instruction to authors

* We strongly suggest that all recommendations be followed, including a specific review of these instructions and the English grammar. The authors are encouraged to use the new ‘English template’ offered by the AVS. Please contact: to obtain the Template file. The Template is suggested to facilitate the evaluation process and to speed up the final editing.

1. Document – with the new format, we suggest that the manuscript have a maximum of 25 pages, including references. The document should be prepared in A4 (210 x 297 mm) with 2.5 cm in all margins. All pages must be progressively numbered in the right superior corner. The text must be prepared in Times New Roman, font, size 11, space 1.2 in a single column. Include a continuous line number. Tables and figures must have clear and complete titles and notes (optional) directly to the manuscript text – use the high definition for the figures. There is no limit to the number of figures and tables, but we suggest the authors include only the most relevant information for the data. Supplementary data is possible.

2. Authors and institutions – All the details about the authors must be included in the proper section METADATA during the online submission. Please note When to use capital letters. The order of the authors cannot be altered after the submission. It is essential to include city, state/province, and country for all authors. If the data is inconsistent, the manuscript will not be processed. The identification of authors must be included on the first page of the manuscript for the evaluation process. AVS adopts restricted information about the reviewers to the authors but reveals the authors to the reviewers (single-blind).

3. Tables – All tables must be numbered with Arabic numbers. The title must be inserted above the table, following the Template model, single space. The abbreviations must be inserted in the title of the table and the table’s body. Include the measurements if available. Any ‘notes’ must be inserted at the bottom of the table.

4. Figures – All figures must be sequentially numbered in Arabic numbers. The title must be inserted above the figures, using a single space. All information must be included (values, average, standard error, volumes, etc.) on the X and Y axis.



Full articles – The manuscript may be written in Portuguese or English – please have a fully revised grammar version before submission. All scientific articles must have a title, abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional), and references. Occasionally, the results and discussion may be written in one part.

Review articles – Review articles must follow the same scientific rigorousness as the full articles, with a specific format (title, abstract, keywords, introduction, development in subtitles/items, future perspectives, conclusion, acknowledgements/optional, references). The publication of Review articles will depend on their relevance to the topic, scientific merit, contemporaneity, and the authors’ knowledge.


AVS accepts Editorial and Letters to the Editor: 800 words, no abstract, up to 3 references, no figures, up to 2 authors, and also, Opinion articles: 1500 words, no abstract, up to 8 references, up to 2 figures, up to 3 authors. Tips: The editorial has to be a brief comment on a strict and actual topic related to the scope of the journal. Letters to the Editor must offer comments or useful critiques on material published in the journal. Opinion article: concise and specific argument, clearly reflecting the idea of the text. The decision to publish submitted extra material rests purely with the Editors-in-Chief.


ARTICLE STRUCTURE – Please submit the manuscript according to the official TEMPLATE

TITLE – Justified, only the first letter in capital.

ABSTRACT – The text must be 300 words maximum. The information should be precise and briefly cover the problem, the objective, material & methods, results (include only the most relevant data), and conclusion. The text should be written in one single paragraph justified.

KEYWORDS – Insert after the abstract. A maximum of five keywords is allowed separated by semi-column. Use original words that are related to the topic.

INTRODUCTION – The topic must be a brief & scientifically relevant literature review focusing on the theme. Use a maximum of 5 to 6 paragraphs and recent references. It is important to include the objective(s) at the end of the introduction.

MATERIAL AND METHODS – The author must be precise in describing all the methodologies and possible modifications made to methodologies, including animal experimentation. The methods must have specific references for consulting. Do not use commercial names, unless essential. The author may divide the topic into small items in italics.

RESULTS – The author must include all their data, without references or citations. Symbols and unities shall be listed as 36%, 88.04 kg, 42 ml, (P < 0.05), R2 = 0.89. On tables, include the probability values as P-values. Include also the average values and standard deviation (15.0 ± 0.5) to demonstrate the data for comparison or treatment results. Do not repeat the data in the text and in the tables or figures.

DISCUSSION – Briefly include the author's data and complete the interpretation using recent and some classical scientific literature. Do this for every new paragraph. The author must connect the data and the relationship to the literature. Show the differences and aspects that need more work, and how your work relates to the published work. Do not use unpublished work, indirect citations, or less scientific sources. Please discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of your work. Little speculations may be interesting, but you should maintain them to a minimum. Phrases like: nowadays, we are trying to solve the problem; will not be accepted. Please conclude the discussion with a clear and short affirmative towards your data.

CONCLUSIONS – Preferably, write a conclusion in one single paragraph. Be concise and based on the scientific findings.

AcknowledgementS– (optional) The author might include any intellectual, financial, laboratory structure, or equipment to help a person or institution. Funding must be included as well.

ADDITIONAL NOTES – (optional) The author must include any information regarding animal experiments and their legal authorization from the bioethical commission. 

REFERENCES – The author must follow the recommendations given below. References must be ordered in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author. The author's family name should be separated by a comma before the initials. Do not use bold in the references. Use italics in scientific names. The name of the journal should be abbreviated – follow the orientations.


Cite ALL authors (do not use "et al.").

Scientific articles: Jochle W, Lamond DR, Andersen AC. Mestranol as an abortifacient in the bitch. Theriogenol., 4:(1);1-9, 2019.

Books and chapters of a book. The essential elements are, author(s), title, and subtitle (if any), followed by “In:” and the complete reference (surname, initials, title, subtitle). Editor (if any), place of publication. The date of publication and the number of pages. When the publishing is not identified, include the expression sine nomine [s.n.].

Full book: Bichard, S.J., Sherding RG. Small animal practice. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1997. 1467 p. 

Chapter of a book: Smith, M. Anestrus, pseudopregnancy, and cystic follicles. In: Morrow DA. Current Therapy in Theriogenology. 2ºed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1986. p.585-586.

Part of a book: Cochran, W.C. The estimation of sample size. In____. Sampling techniques. 3oed. New York: John Willey, 1977. p.72-90.

Collective work from a company: Ex. (AOAC, 1995).

The name of the organization must be described in full for the first time. The citation must be made using AOAC only.

Association of Official Analytical Chemistry, AOAC. Official methods of analysis. 16oed. Arlington: AOAC International, 1995. 1025p.

Universidade Federal de Viçosa, UFV. Sistema de análises estatísticas e genéticas, SAEG. Versão 8.0. Viçosa, MG, 2000. 142p.

Thesis / Dissertation / General Documents:

Bacila M. Contribuição ao estudo do metabolismo glicídico em eritrócitos de animais domésticos. Dissertação M.Sc. em Ciências Veterinárias. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 77p. 1989.

Conferences and Meetings (avoid these type of references):

Kozicki LE, Shibata FK. Perfil de progesterona em vacas leiteiras no período do puerpério, determinado pelo radioimunoensaio, RIA. In: 24º Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária. Anais... Sociedade Goiana de Veterinária, Goiânia. 1996, p. 106-107.

Restle J, Souza EVT, Nucci EPD, et al. Performance of cattle and buffalo fed with different sources of roughage. In: 4th World Buffalo Congress. 1994, São Paulo. Proceeding... 

Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Búfalos, 1994. p.301-303.


Electronic and online documents:

Prada F, Mendonça Jr, CX, Carciofi AC. Concentração de cobre e molibdênio em algumas plantas forrageiras do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Braz J Vet Res Ani Sci, 35;6:1998.

Müller SPM. A comunicação científica e o movimento de acesso livre ao conhecimento. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, 35: 2, 2006.

Rafllar PG, Blas C. Digestión de la soja integral em ruminantes. Acesso em: 12/10/2002.

Silva RN, Oliveira R. Os limites pedagógicos do paradigma da qualidade total na educação. In: CONGRESSO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA URPe, 4., 1996, Recife. Anais eletrônico... Recife: Universidade Federal do Pernambuco, 1996. Disponível em:> Acesso em: 21/01/1997. 

Citations in the text: 

Silva and Oliveira (2017); Schimmidt et al. (2019); (Teotonio et al., 2018).


Conditions for submission - check all items

Edit the metadata, considering:

1.     Title, name of the author - revise for correctness according to the new Template.

2.     Full address, including city, state, and country.

3.     Abstract and Keywords.

4.     The author must choose the manuscript section to be evaluated. Short-communication articles will be accepted.

5.     Indicate at least three reviewers. The reviewers must be specialists in the area with no conflict of interest. Include full name, affiliation, and email for contact.



Editorial - Letter to the Editor

Editorial: brief comment on a strict and actual topic related to the scope of the journal.
Letters to the Editor: offering comments or useful critiques on material published in the journal.

For both: 800 words, no abstract, up to 3 references, no figures, up to 2 authors.

Opinion article

Opinion article: concise and specific argument, clearly reflecting the idea of the text. 1500 words, no abstract, up to 8 references, up to 2 figures, up to 3 authors.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses will be exclusively used by the AVS and will not be available to other organizations or else.