
  • Janes Mendes Ferreira Universidade Estadual de Ponto Grossa
  • Marystela Assis Baratter Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Mayla Cristina Costa Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ricardo Engelbert Universidade Positivo


Palabras clave:

Education, Technology, Institutionalization.


Much of the higher education institutions began to adopt the use of audio-visual resources in the classroom because it is considered by many actors involved as a facilitator and accelerator of the teaching process. We can see that in recent times a large amount organizations from educational system has been adopted the audiovisuals resources in classrooms due to assess from many actors connect to higher education arena as a spur and a mean to accelerate teaching process. Besides, the usage of this kind of resource is legimated from Education Bureau in Brazil when it considers as a positive criterion in the evaluation process of educational organizations. However a few studies have been conducted to verify the actual efficiency of the audiovisual resources in the teaching process and its influence in the performance e motivation on the student. Due to this consideration the purpose of this study is verify how de students have been using this kind of resource and the degree of relevance they credit to it. The present inquiry has its basis on the sociological view of Institutional Theory and the sample contemplates 90 students. The results were statistically treated with SPSS throughout parametric testes. The results of this research clearly point to the institutionalization of the use of audiovisual resources in the classroom. However, these results point to a flaw in the system, since the student is to consider that knowledge in topics (characteristic of the presentations), and often partial, as sufficient for their formation.

Cómo citar

Ferreira, J. M., Baratter, M. A., Costa, M. C., & Engelbert, R. (2010). THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF AUDIOVISUALS RESOURCES IN CLASSROOM. RC&C. Revista De Contabilidade E Controladoria, 2(3).