About the Journal

NOvation brings together colleagues from all over the world who seek a critical and historical approach to innovation and political phenomena related to S&T.


Thematic Issue in the making -- Call for Papers_“Critical approaches to innovation and alternative policy models for innovation.”


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We welcome papers that address issues such as:

– the critique towards and the alternatives to neoliberal forms of innovation; 

– the influence of the critique of innovation in shaping alternative models of public policy; 

– x-innovation agenda-setting in local and national contexts; 

– the governance of different ‘x-innovation’ policy frameworks;

– fostering new practices for alternative innovation regimes; 

– measuring and evaluating the impacts of x-innovations; 

– designing specific policy tools to promote alternative innovation; 

– policy initiatives and experiments based on counter-hegemonic approaches to innovation;

and other topics related to this broad theme.

Read more about Thematic Issue in the making -- Call for Papers_“Critical approaches to innovation and alternative policy models for innovation.”

Current Issue

No. 6 (2024): Towards a New Ethos of Science or a Reform of the Institution of Science?
					View No. 6 (2024): Towards a New Ethos of Science or a Reform of the Institution of Science?

Over the past decade, we have witnessed a gradual and consistent evolution of research practices towards a more open science. This shift has been driven by both internal expectations within the scientific community and external demands from research policies. 

The push for open science within the scientific community has been further reinforced by negative trends such as slow publication processes, criticism of the peer review system, and challenges in reproducing research results. Moreover, the urgent need for open science outside the scientific community has been highlighted by the COVID-19 crisis, which exposed the inefficiency of the scientific system in responding timely to public concerns. Transitioning towards open science is essential for enabling responsible research and innovation.

In this Special Issue, René von Schomberg's position paper explores how the underlying research values of ‘openness’ and ‘mutual responsiveness’, which are central to open science practices, can be integrated into a new ethos of science. Several colleagues then comment on the article propositions, raising concerns and reinforcing criticism towards the current Ethos (and practices) of Science nowadays. This Special Edition is closed by von Schomberg response to the critiques raised by Carl Mitcham, Mónica Edwards-Schachter, Sabina Leonelli, Lukas Fuchs, and Alfred Nordmann.

Published: 2024-06-25

Full Issue

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Fifth Issue: Perspectives on innovation governance: challenges and dilemmas.

Table of Contents

1. Monica Edwards-Schachter and Hector Gonzalo Ordoñez-Matamoros 

Editorial Presentation: Perspectives on innovation governance – challenges and dilemmas, pp. 1-8.

2. Juan Pablo Centeno and Mario A. Pinzón-Camargo

I bet you don´t look good on the dance floor: Re-examining the innovation policy dance metaphor in the case of Colombia, pp. 9-30.

3. Mario Andrés Pinzón-Camargo, Juan Pablo Centeno, Ernesto Andrade-Sastoque and Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros

Logics and Enablers of Transformative Innovation Policies in the Global South: The case of Appropriation of Science and Technology Policy, pp. 31-55.

4. Thomas Völker, Rasmus Slaattelid and Roger Strand

Transformative Translations? Challenges and tensions in territorial innovation governance, pp. 56-85. 

5. Nurgül Özbek, Linus Johansson Krafve, Hans Kjellberg and Ebba Sjögren

Markets for Promoting Innovation in Health Care? A Market Practice Study of Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI), pp. 86- 114.

6. Isabelle Falardeau

(Social) In-NOvation in protected and touristic territories, pp. 115- 146.