Ongoing Call for Thematic Issues
We are encouraging contributions that aim to rethink and debunk narratives of innovation in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and Science, Technology and Society (STS). By adopting a counter-hegemonic perspective on the study of innovation in its several dimensions (i.e.: from economics and development to cultural values and social movements, through governance policies and politics), we intend to inspire critical accounts normally disregarded by the mainstream literature on innovation.
The above areas represent the scope of methodological possibilities:
- Critical analyses on studies of innovation;
- Discourse analysis: deconstructing actors’ rhetoric, policy-makers’ frameworks and scholars’ theories;
- Intellectual history: documenting scholars’ theories and trajectories;
- Conceptual history: studying the concepts used in the field, the travelling of concepts among fields (academic, public, corporate) and their transformation into catchwords;
- Case studies helping to understand the dynamics and processes of innovation and to rethink current narratives;
- Contributions to alternative modelling of innovation;
- Other possibilities will be received by the Editors according to compelling argumentation.
Look also at our Statement of Aims.
Proposals should provide us with a Title, a 250-500 words Presentation, some appropriate Topics envisioned, Keywords (up to 5), and short bibliography (around 5 references).
Send your proposal to
All proposals will be evaluated by our Editorial Board.