When Science Becomes Engineering





open science, Robert K. Merton, Covid 19, research values, scientific integrity, research assessment


The core insight of this thoughtful and provocative article is that science has become engineering and must be re-governed appropriately. Science today is as much artefact constructing as it is knowledge-producing. Certified knowledge is found through certified construction; science has become technoscience. As such, received practices of and models for governance need re-examining.

It is not possible here to address the full range of insights and questions that René von Schomberg’s challenging paper puts on the table. His argument is clearly the outgrowth of years of critical reflection in the science policy trenches of the European Commission. I would wager that there’s no one who has thought longer, harder, and at greater depth about these issues. I will concentrate my comments on the question concerning engineering.

Author Biography

Carl Mitcham, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China

Philosopher of engineering and technology, and Professor Emeritus of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the Colorado School of Mines. Has a disciplinary background in philosophy, with an emphasis in philosophy and ethics of science, technology, and engineering. He has worked to bring the philosophy of technology into the interdisciplinary field of Science, Technology, and Society (STS) studies. Notable publications include Thinking through Technology: The Path between Engineering and Philosophy (1994) and Steps toward a Philosophy of Engineering: Historico-Philosophical and Critical Essays (2020).


Forman, S. (1976). The Existential Pleasures of Engineering. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Merton, R. K. (1973). The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. Ed. Norman W. Storer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Mitcham, C. (2020). Steps toward a Philosophy of Engineering: Historico-Philosophical and Critical Essays. London: Rowman and Littlefield International.

Mitcham, C. (2021). Science Policy and Democracy. Technology in Society, 76, 101783. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101783

Mitcham, C., & von Schomberg, R. (2020). “The Ethics of Engineers: From Role Responsibility to Public Co-responsibility. In Peter Kroes & Anthonie Meijers (eds.), The Empirical Turn in the Philosophy of Technology (p. 167-189). Amsterdam: JAI Elsevier.

Serres, M. (1995). Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time: Michel Serres Interviewed by Bruno Latour. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.




How to Cite

Mitcham, C. (2024). When Science Becomes Engineering. NOvation - Critical Studies of Innovation, (6), 34–42. https://doi.org/10.5380/nocsi.v0i6.95875