Cattle milk consumption and quality of the Ribeira Valley


  • Masahiko Ohi Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ana Carolina Gurgel Knopki
  • Clarissa Holanda Ramires
  • Daiane Sanchuki
  • Franciela Bednarski
  • Lígia Valéria Nascimento
  • Lilian Barbosa da Silva
  • Maria Emília de Miranda
  • Samuel Fonseca Grotta
  • Paulo Roberto Dalsenter UFPR
  • Helena Cristina da Silva de Assis UFPR
  • José Francisco Wart UFPR
  • Annelise Kloss



consumption, Milk, Production, quality


Worried about the profile of milk consumption in the region of the Vale do Ribeira/PR, the pertaining Projectof the Program Universidade sem Fronteiras from SETI/PR, in partnership with the PROLAC – Projeto Leite,Alimento de Criança, targeted to improve the quality of bovine milk and to analyze the profile of the milkconsumption and derivatives of the population of the Region. To reach the objectives, visits in 39 countryproperties had been carried through, evidencing hygienical-sanitary problems,wich were solved. This redisposultedin the improvement of 33% in the production of milk and considerable improvements in the qualityof this milk. Also, as action tools, lectures in municipal and state elementary and high schools been given,to an analysis of the profile of milk consumption of the pupils from the region. All the pupils of Adrianópolis(100%) under 10 years old reported that they ingested 2 cupsoper day, while 30.3% of the children fromBocaiúva do Sul uder that age consumed an inferior amount i relation to the recommended nutritionists.Some important parcel of individuals (40.89% in Adrianópolis and 21.3% in Bocaiúva do Sul) consumesdairy products from homemade and artisanal origin, without hygienical-sanitary guarantees. The daily milkconsumption is inferior to what is recommended byf the National Institute of Health for children up to 12years old, that is approximately 4-5 cups of milk per day. The continuation of that work becomes necessaryto the agricultural producer’s awareness of the importance in improving the productive quality of milk andstimulating the consumption of milk and dairy products which come from those properties.

Author Biographies

Masahiko Ohi, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Professor orientador UFPR.

Ana Carolina Gurgel Knopki

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Clarissa Holanda Ramires

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Daiane Sanchuki

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Franciela Bednarski

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Lígia Valéria Nascimento

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Lilian Barbosa da Silva

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Maria Emília de Miranda

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Samuel Fonseca Grotta

Bolsistas profissionais SETI.

Paulo Roberto Dalsenter, UFPR

Professor colaborador UFPR.

Helena Cristina da Silva de Assis, UFPR

Professor colaborador UFPR.

José Francisco Wart, UFPR

Professor colaborador UFPR.

Annelise Kloss

Bolsista de graduação SETI.

How to Cite

Ohi, M., Knopki, A. C. G., Ramires, C. H., Sanchuki, D., Bednarski, F., Nascimento, L. V., … Kloss, A. (2009). Cattle milk consumption and quality of the Ribeira Valley. Extensão Em Foco, (3).