The profile and the politics of attendance to the sexual abuser in the Regional Penitentiary of Tijucas (SC)


  • Edgar Antonio Piva UNIVALI
  • Aline R. Carvalho UNIVALI



sexual violence, human rights, sexual abusers, children and teenagers


The sexual violence against children and adolescents started to be boarded in Brazil in the decade of 90, andenclosed in the fight for the human rights of children and adolescents in the Federal Constitution of Brazil of1988, giving to beginning the fight for the conquest of respect and dignity of the children and adolescents ofall Brazil. The present research was carried through in the Regional Penitentiary of Tijucas and the Fórum dePorto Beautiful - Santa Catarina, having enclosed the period of August of 1999, when of the foundation of thePenitentiary, until March of 2007. With this research we obtain to know the profile of the prisoners of theRegional Penitentiary of Tijucas who had committed crimes of sexual nature against children and adolescentsand to evaluate the actions of the State in face of the sexual aggressor, in the direction to prevent the crime andto instruct them in how to resume their lives in society. The research was carried through with intention tocontribute for a reflection, being searched to offer subsidies to support possible programs together to thejailed sexual abusers.

Author Biographies

Edgar Antonio Piva, UNIVALI

Professor Mestre da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (SC) e coordenador dos projetos de extensão Valorização da Vida e Ciranda.
Endereço: Rua Pará, 315. Bairro Universitário, Tijucas, SC. Tel. (048) 3263 0576. E-mail:

Aline R. Carvalho, UNIVALI

Acadêmica do curso de Direito da Univali, campus Tijucas, SC.

How to Cite

Piva, E. A., & Carvalho, A. R. (2008). The profile and the politics of attendance to the sexual abuser in the Regional Penitentiary of Tijucas (SC). Extensão Em Foco, (2).

