Spinoza in contemporary law or toward a theory of law as 'potentia'


  • Luiz Carlos Montans Braga Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) – (São Paulo, SP, Brasil)




Legalism. Critical legal studies. Legal field as 'potentia'. Spinoza.


Some branches of critical legal studies points the limitations of formalism and legalism. The first part of the article shows some theses about one branch of critical legal studies. Secondly, Spinozian concepts will be brought to the contemporary discussion about the legal field crisis, adding up to the theses of the critical legal studies. Using Spinozian concepts, two aims are to be achieved. The first one is to bring back to the discussions and renew the old theme of natural right. By using Spinozian themes, such as multitude and the permanence, in the city, of natural right, juridical field can be understood as something larger, by bringing to the debate some issues that the formalist conception of law ignores. In this way, Spinozian philosophy can be one of the best references for the legal field of resistance – resistance against the empty formalism that violates the members of the city at the moment that law presents itself as an expression of collective interests. Spinozian concepts can bring new themes and new concepts to that ones pointed by critical legal studies. Besides that, it brings new forces for the emancipatory concepts of legal field.

Author Biography

Luiz Carlos Montans Braga, Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) – (São Paulo, SP, Brasil)

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How to Cite

Braga, L. C. M. (2017). Spinoza in contemporary law or toward a theory of law as ’potentia’. Revista Da Faculdade De Direito UFPR, 62(2), 9 – 24. https://doi.org/10.5380/rfdufpr.v62i2.48138


