Development in Latin America, origins and actuality of four lines of interpretation
Latin America, despite its immensity and diversity, has a common thread in its history, which causes waves of similar events, from time to time, that spread across the continent. The thought about development models produced in the region, which guides the leaderships of the countries, influences and is influenced by these historical waves, spreading with them. In this article, the main objective was to discuss the origins and actuality of four major lines of Latin American thought on development - national-developmentalism, revolutionary-Marxism, neoliberalism, and decolonialism. From this, a brief presentation of each one was made, locating their origins and pointing out their main characteristics and current relevance. In the end, it was possible to verify that, despite the richness of the debate on development in Latin America, it is necessary to renew the old matrixes and advance in the new ones, given the limitations they present.
Keywords: Latin America; Development; Latin-American thought.
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