“Marielle became a seed”: representativeness and the new modes of political interaction of black women in the institutional spaces of power


  • Andréa Franco Lima e Silva




Black feminism, Black woman, Political representativeness.


The present paper seeks to identify the candidacies of black women in theproportional elections of 2018 as part of a collective, broad and continuous project of emancipation and social transformation that has guided the experiences of organization and resistance of black women from the period of slavery to the current black feminist movements.Based on this premise, we propose to carry out a brief bibliographical review of the literature on black feminism in order to acknowledge, to list ,and to understand the campaign actions of black candidates to the proportional elections in 2018, which have adhered to a proposal of collectivization of mandates. In this sense, the violent and premature death of council woman Marielle Franco is seen at the same time as an attempt to abruptly interrupt this project, and as the germ of an innovative political-institutional action, which values collective participation, racial identity and and the rupture with the traditional forms of political acting.



How to Cite

Franco Lima e Silva, A. (2019). “Marielle became a seed”: representativeness and the new modes of political interaction of black women in the institutional spaces of power. Sociologias Plurais, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.5380/sclplr.v5i1.68214