The trajectories of the arguments about affirmative actions: from the March of Zumbi dos Palmares to the Durban conference


  • Viritiana Aparecida de Almeida
  • Nelson Rosário de Souza



Affirmative action, Argumentative dispute, Brazilian racism


This article has as object of study the permanence and modification of arguments about affirmative actions. The objective is to analyze such permanence and modification by observing three moments: the March of Zumbi dos Palmares, in 1995, the Seminar of Affirmative Actions in Brasilia, in 1996, and the Durban Conference, in 2001. This is a qualitative study on the speech of important characters related to the theme.

Author Biographies

Viritiana Aparecida de Almeida

Mestranda em Ciência Política, UFPR, bolsista CAPES

Nelson Rosário de Souza

Doutor em Sociologia, USP, professor associado III da UFPR.



How to Cite

Aparecida de Almeida, V., & Rosário de Souza, N. (2013). The trajectories of the arguments about affirmative actions: from the March of Zumbi dos Palmares to the Durban conference. Sociologias Plurais, 1(2).