Conflict between science and religion in Gould, Harris and Dawkins


  • Rogério Fernandes Silva University of Grande Rio



Science, religion, atheism, conflict.


One of the recurring subjects of the debate about atheism is the identity that the thesis of the conflict between science and religion usually occupies in the discourse. The creation and dissemination of the “conflict thesis” is supported by neo-neo-artistic works. It is very important that positions that are more favorable to religion in this case, we have the statements of Stephen Jay Gould that fights against the negative aspects of the thesis. On the other hand, there are atheist thinkers like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins who are against Gould's claims, as if the conflict thesis were an important part of atheistic identity. This work aims to think about how the two antagonistic sides are positioned.

Author Biography

Rogério Fernandes Silva, University of Grande Rio

PhD student in the Graduate Program in Humanities, Cultures and Arts (UNIGRANRIO) where he develops a thesis project on YouTube, Cyberculture, Science, Atheism and Religion. He became a Master of Science in Religion at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) where he studied secularization and virtual social networks. He has a full degree in History and a specialization in History of Brazil, both from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He is associated with the Brazilian Association of the History of Religions (ABHR). He is currently a public school teacher in the city of Maricá and the state of Rio de Janeiro. Has experience in the area of Human Sciences, with emphasis on History. Researcher of movements in the Brazilian religious field, he has already researched Brazilian participation in World War II. Scholar of the relations between memory and identity. They are interested in Visual Arts and in classroom research and use of comics linking History and Education. (Source: Accessed on 1/27/2021)


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How to Cite

Silva, R. F. (2020). Conflict between science and religion in Gould, Harris and Dawkins. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 9(2), 162–175.



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