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Does social value guidance influence the decision of payment terms to suppliers? An experiment study

Clayton José Rotta, José Carlos Tiomatsu Oyadomari, Andson Braga de Aguiar, Octávio Ribeiro de Mendonça Neto, Maria Luisa Mendes Teixeira


This study investigated whether professionals with different social orientation profiles make different decisions in an environment with relative autonomy. To test this, an experiment with 114 undergraduate students was carried out to identify the social value guidance profile (SVO) and to capture information in a simulation of decision-making simulation regarding extending the payment term to suppliers. The results show that different profiles do not influence decisions, even in environments of relative autonomy.  The results also suggests that organizations can continue to hire people with different social orientation profiles, favoring diversity, without harming organizational goals. To the best of authors' knowledge, this is the first study that investigated this phenomenon considering different profiles of social orientation in the decision to choose the payment term to suppliers.


Orientação de Valor Social. Fornecedor. Decisão Financeira. Termo de pagamento.

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