The government policies for familiar agriculture: a Pronaf evaluation


  • Gilca Angélica Leite Ferreira



Agricultura familiar, políticas públicas, modo de reprodução, Family agriculture, government policies, reproduction


The National Program for Fortifying Familiar Agriculture (Pronaf) defray farming and investment were evaluated in the town of Palotina – PR between its beneficiaries from June 1999 to December 2002. A comparison with the previous period to the use of this program, objectifying to identify the points of impact and change in the productive unit, more specifically in the developed economic activities and the social transformations has been made. Moreover, it analyses the adopted technological model for the producers of the city, the
reorganization of the familiar composition, and the diversity of activities as an additional instrument of income and especially the proposal of Pronaf as governmental policies and its interaction with the other policies destined to the farming sector.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, G. A. L. (2006). The government policies for familiar agriculture: a Pronaf evaluation. RA’E GA Journal - The Geographic Space in Analysis, 11.


