Contribution to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Slavery Crimes
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International Criminal Court. Office of the Prosecutor. Slavery. Omission. Decoloniality.Abstract
This contribution, developed by researchers of the Núcleo de Estudos sobre a Internacionalização do Poder Punitivo (Study Centre on the Internationalisation of Punitive Power) of Universidade Federal do Paraná’s Law School and Postgraduate Program in Law, concerns a public consultation launched by the Office of the Prosecutor (OtP) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its new Policy on Slavery Crimes. The input’s objective is to enhance the OtP's approach to and effectiveness in the investigation and prosecution of slavery crimes (crime against humanity of enslavement and sexual slavery and war crime of sexual slavery) under the Rome Statute. The contribution is divided in three parts: first, it delves into contemporary manifestations of slavery, examining slave labour and the ICC's jurisdiction, advocating for a survivor-centred, broader and comprehensive understanding of slavery. Then, it explores individual criminal responsibility for omissions in slavery crimes as a means of eradicating impunity and guaranteeing that such offences do not go unpunished. Finally, it discusses the importance of prosecuting slavery crimes through a decolonial lens, emphasising that the ICC in general, and not just the OtP, should be cognisant of the fact that the majority of slavery victims hail from the Global South, each with their own cultural and historical contexts, something that may not be adequately understood and protected according to Western interests or standards and therefore may require specific, bottom-up approaches.
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