Transpersonal nursing home care to the mentally ill and their families


  • Ana Lúcia Nascimento Fonseca
  • Maria Ribeiro Lacerda
  • Mariluci Alves Maftum



Cuidado transpessoal, Enfermagem, Domicílio, Portador de transtorno mental, Transpersonal care, Nursing, Home, Bearer of a mental disorder, Cuidado transpersonal, Enfermería, Domicilio, Portador de trastorno mental


This study shows the application of a background landmark in nursing home care for the bearer of a mental disorder, grounded byWatsons Clinical Caritas Process and Lacerdas Care Process. It aimed to present a nursing care proposal to the mentally ill and their family. Thus, I intend to contribute for the development of nursing home care practice in mental health meeting the principles of the Psychiatric Reform held in Brazil. Fourteen (14) subjects participated in the study in a total of 4 cases, but in this article I have chosen only Martes case. I concluded that the application of this background landmark enabled the change in power relationship between the nursing professional and the mentally ill and their families; by developing transpersonal nursing, the nurse reaches his/her humanity for the others, enabling a holistic care rendering: body, mind and spirit.

How to Cite

Fonseca, A. L. N., Lacerda, M. R., & Maftum, M. A. (2006). Transpersonal nursing home care to the mentally ill and their families. Cogitare Enfermagem, 11(1).


