Carlo Ginzburg, reader of Ernesto De Martino: affinities and divergencies
History of religions, Ginzburg, De Martino, Shamanism, TarantismAbstract
The present paper compares the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the historian Carlo Ginzburg and the ethnologist Ernesto De Martino, both from Italy. On several occasions, the historian has recognized the importance of the ethnologist in his intellectual path, having read his works to trace a genealogical history of shamanism. Another affinity between the two authors is that both have produced an anti-relativist reflection, although recognizing the epistemological limits of ethnocentrism. But despite these approximations, the authors radically diverge in sensitive aspects of their reflections, particularly regarding the reality and the historical sense that they attribute to magical powers. Vis-à-vis these divergencies, I argue that De Martino's work can contribute to the study of religions in Brazil by bringing a theoretical and methodological contribution focused on the importance of ritual practices for the understanding of subaltern religions.
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