Über die Zeitschrift


Aktuelle Ausgabe

Bd. 15 (2024)
Veröffentlicht: 2024-04-14


Estudos ambientais sobre a vegetação e o clima no Holoceno

Sedimentologia, estratigrafia e evolução de planícies costeiras

Geologia e Geofísica Marinha

  • Benthonic assembly and its correlation with the geodiversity of the east continental shelf of Ceará (Brazilian equatorial margin)

    Peguy Noel Nkouamen Nemzoue, Narelle Maia de Almeida, George Satander Sá Freire, Jean Pierre Tchouankoue, Arrissa Agathe Noucoucouk, Rafael de Mendeiros Lima
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5380/qeg.v15i0.93438
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ISSN 2176-6142 online version


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EBSCO (https://www.ebsco.com/pt)

Miguilim (https://miguilim.ibict.br/handle/miguilim/8948)


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A2 - Qualis único


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