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Haemagglutinability of mammalian erythrocytes by Newcastle disease virus strains isolated from Central Nigeria

John Okpabi Ibu, J O A Okoye, John Francis Antiabong, G Ayabi, B S Oladele


The haemagglutinability of mammalian erythrocytes by field and vaccine strains of theNewcastle disease virus was assessed. Variability in the pattern of agglutination of thevarious specie erythrocytes was observed. Whereas noticeable differences in the patternof agglutination between field virus and vaccine strains were not apparent, differencesbetween the velogenic and non-velogenic strains was observed. The possibility ofdeveloping haemagglutinability tests using mammalian erythrocytes for rapid straindifferentiation in less developed laboratories is discussed.


heamagglutinability; Newcastle disease; vaccine virus; wild virus; Doença de Newcastle; Hemaglutinação; vírus selvagem; vírus vacinal