Brazil in comparative perspective: the legacy of the founding, and the future of constitutional development


  • Ana Beatriz Vanzoff Robalinho Cavalcanti Yale Law School



constitutional founding, transition, revolution, constitutional change, constitutional identity.


This paper analyzes the Brazilian constitutional founding in a comparative perspective, endeavoring to understand how the founding’s identity influenced constitutional development through the three decades since the constitutional document was enacted. By creating a link between the constitutional founding historical and political development and the way the Constitution has changed over time, it hopes to discover more about the evolution and concept of a constitutional identity.

Biografia do Autor

Ana Beatriz Vanzoff Robalinho Cavalcanti, Yale Law School

Master of Laws (LL.M) at Yale Law School (New Haven, United States). Master of State Law at Universidade de São Paulo – USP (São Paulo-SP, Brazil). Lawyer and specialized in Constitutional Law.


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Como Citar

VANZOFF ROBALINHO CAVALCANTI, Ana Beatriz. Brazil in comparative perspective: the legacy of the founding, and the future of constitutional development. Revista de Investigações Constitucionais, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 11–33, 2019. DOI: 10.5380/rinc.v6i1.59195. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jan. 2025.



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