Conspiracy theories in the New Age Movement




New Age, Conspiracy Theories, Gnosticism, Good and Evil.


Conspiracy Theories have a similar bias to religious structures. At the same time, some religions may contain conspiratorial components in their belief sets. The aim of the paper is to see how these  parallel  characteristics  ended  up  generating  configurations  quite  specific  to  the diffuse form of religiosity of the New Age ethos. Conspiracy theories have been present in the New Age Movement since its beginnings and, in many cases, continue to influence its adherents to this day. Nicknamed in the first decades as the Aquarian Conspiracy, the New Age Movement use to sought to increase a profound transformation of humanity, freeing it from materialistic limitations, aiming at full spiritual realization. More specifically, the paper analyzes aspects of Gnosticism, one of the original constituent elements of New Age, as the inspiration for many of its conspiracy theories, notably the ideas of access to a hidden wisdom, the struggle for the liberation of mankind and the defeat of evil by good. The research used bibliographic materials and  historical  sources  from  different  New  Age  groups,  as  well  as  analysis  on  aspects  of contemporary behavior that are influenced by the New Age ethos. It can be concluded that the New  Age  was  not  only  fueled  by  conspiracy  theories,  butwas  also  fueled  by  them,  and continues to fuel them to the present day.

Author Biographies

Silas Guerriero, PUC-SP

Silas Guerriero é doutor em Antropologia, professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Religião da PUC-SP e coordenador do NEO – Núcleo de Estudos de Novas Religiões e Novas Espiritualidades (PUC-SP)

Carlos Bein

Carlos Bein é mestre em Ciência da Religião pela PUC-SP e pesquisador do NEO -: Núcleo de Estudos de Novas Religiões e Novas Espiritualidades (PUC-SP). Tem experiência nas áreas de psicologia analítica e esoterismo


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How to Cite

Guerriero, S., & Bein, C. (2021). Conspiracy theories in the New Age Movement. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 10(2), 261–280.


