Uplifting readings for religious women decade 1990s





Catholicism, gender, geographies.


The purpose of this article is to discuss how the religious readings, specifically the biographies, functioned as a recruitment strategy of religious women to the Catholic Church and also as a pedagogical way of upbringing novices and nuns in convents. The book that has been analyzed is "The mystery of the cloisters" (O mistério das Clausuras) by Alfonso de Santa Cruz (1995), in which the author selects letters he had requested to the nuns from all over Brazil, asking them to highlight the reason for their entry into religious life. We understand the letters of these religious women as the writing of themselves, that is to say, when writing about themselves the nuns intended to spread an image of themselves as well as of the religious life. In addition, we analyze the stories from a gender perspective, that is, we understand that the representation about female religious life is anchored in the roles that these women can assume in the institution, as opposed to the roles that men assume. Therefore, we use as theoretical reference the following authors: Bourdieu, Scott, Certeau, Durkheim, Eliade.

Author Biography

Nadia Maria Guariza, State University of the Centro Oeste

She has a degree in history from the Federal University of Paraná (1994), a master's degree in history from the Federal University of Paraná (2003) and a doctorate in history from the Federal University of Paraná (2009). She is currently vice coordinator of the Master's in History at the State University of the Midwest and an adjunct professor at the State University of the Midwest. Has experience in Political Science, History and Education, working on the following themes: history, gender, Catholicism, education and Marian worship. She is a researcher at the Gender Studies Center at UFPR. Supervisor of the Pedagogical Residency Program Subproject. (Source: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4288700483772190. Accessed on 1/21/2021)


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How to Cite

Guariza, N. M., & Cardoso, S. (2018). Uplifting readings for religious women decade 1990s. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 7(1), 20–33. https://doi.org/10.5380/rt.v7i1.59988


