




Author Biography

Sérgio Rogério Azevedo Junqueira, Institute of Research and Training Education and Religion (IPFER)

Free Professor (2012) and Post-Doctor (2010) in Science of Religion at PUCSP; Post-Doctorate in Geography of Religion by UFPR (CAPES Scholarship - 2018); Post-Doctorate in Religious Sciences at UEPA (CAPES Scholarship - 2019), Full Professor at PUCPR (2008). PhD (2000) and Master (1996) in Educational Sciences from the Universdiade Pontifícia Salesiana (Rome - Italy). Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Uberaba (1990) Bachelor of Religious Science from the Instituto Superior de Ciências Ciências (1987). Collaborator Researcher at LEEL at UEL, is a Consultant and Advisor in Education and Religion; Leader of the Education and Religion Research Group (GPER). He worked in Basic Education at the Marist Schools Network (1984-2000) as a teacher and manager. In Higher Education, he worked at the Catholic University of Brasília (1997-1999) as Community and Extension Pro-Rector; at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2000-2016) as a professor and manager; at the International University Center UNINTER (2008-2012) as a teacher and manager in the distance learning mode. Experience as a university professor in the following undergraduate courses in Education, Tourism and Theology. In the specialization, he worked in face-to-face and distance learning in the area of Religious Education. While at Strictu Sensu in the Education and Theology Programs (Master and Doctorate); Postdoctoral Supervisor. Visiting Professor of the Doctoral Program in Education and Society (Line Culture, Faith and Training Value) at Universidad La Salle in Bogotá and Researcher at Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa (Portugal).

Source: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8648726976057922. Access in 21/01/2021


How to Cite

Junqueira, S. R. A. (2012). EDITORIAL. Revista Relegens Thréskeia, 1(2), i-iv. https://doi.org/10.5380/rt.v1i2.31079


