Environmental Education: the contribution of schools projects on environmental discussions at Municipal Public Schools of Colombo/PR


  • Maria Alice de Oliveira COLLERE




Educação Ambiental, projetos, cidadania, Environmental education, projects, citizenship


Environmental issues have been a common place in the educational discussions, being formal or informal and, the environmental education has been supported as one of the capable means to generate reflections and actions that lead to new postures in front of the social-environmental reality. Urged to discover how the teachers actions are supported in relation to their environmental experience, this research searched for analysing the projects of environmental education developed in the public schools, located in Colombo-PR. The main objective of this research was to analyse the teachers actions and ideas about the environmental experience proposed on the school projects. This research tried to analyse the theoretical-methodological context of the environmental educational projects developed in the schools involved on this research, featuring a parallel with the goals, objectives and principles of the environmental education pointed in the documents produced on several national and international meetings and discussions.


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How to Cite

COLLERE, M. A. de O. (2005). Environmental Education: the contribution of schools projects on environmental discussions at Municipal Public Schools of Colombo/PR. RA’E GA Journal - The Geographic Space in Analysis, 10. https://doi.org/10.5380/raega.v10i0.3393


