The Policy of Financing Elementary Education in Chile (1980-2008): Consequences and Disjunctive


  • Sebastián Donoso Díaz Universidad de Talca



Funding for education, basic education, education allowance, State Subsidiary, New design of State, Desigualdades educacionais, Estados Unitários, Estados Federais, Políticas educacionais, Financiamento da educação


The article analyzes the central elements of the political funding of basic education Chilean driven from the neo-liberal reform of1980 that changed the system of funding by one of subsidy demand. The text reviews the status of the system, the main results after nearly three decades of implementation andfinding solutions to the problems of increasing social segmentation and the intergenerational reproduction of social differences, attributed by some to market failures and otherwise mainly to technical problems of fixing the value of the grant. The paper analyzes projections of the problem, that despite the amendments, it believes fails to merge two irreducible underlying logic: the State of Subsidiary currently in force, strong and dominant and the State of solidarity that failsto make progress. This debate will be present in a near horizon and comprise an important turning point in deciding how to solve the problems it has generated.

How to Cite

Díaz, S. D. (2008). The Policy of Financing Elementary Education in Chile (1980-2008): Consequences and Disjunctive. Jornal De Políticas Educacionais, 2(3).


