The protagonisms of Pedro the Cruel and Pedro I before Fernão Lopes’s and Pero Lopez de Ayala’s “favorites”


  • Marcella Lopes Guimarães



representação, legitimidade, monarquia medieval, justiça e temperança, representation, legitimacy, medieval monarchy, justice and temperance


We cannot afford to ignore Castille in Fernão Lopess The Chronicles of Don Pedro. The main source of the Portuguese chronicle writer was Pero Lopes de Ayalas text; however, just like Lopes used to work for the new dynasty, de Avis, Ayala used to work for the dynasty initiated by the brother and murderer of Pedro the Cruel, Henrique Trastâmara. The chronicles of Lopes and Ayala which have been written about the lives of two kings named Pedro, uncle and nephew, give us a profile of kings who were unique but similar, even if we take in consideration the contrast between the Portuguese kings love for justice and the Castillian kings crimes. The role performed by Pedro I as king was essential in those days, for he was responsible for working endlessly for the kingdoms economical and political interests; in this way, the people could forgive his excesses. Nevertheless, the excessive personality is the trait that brings Pedro I and Pedro the Cruel together.

How to Cite

Guimarães, M. L. (2004). The protagonisms of Pedro the Cruel and Pedro I before Fernão Lopes’s and Pero Lopez de Ayala’s “favorites”. História: Questões E Debates, 41(2).



Dossiê: Sociedade e Culturas Mediterrâneas