A theoretical review of the trajectory of the concept of democratic transition in PoliticalScience
The present work has as main objective the development of a chronological narrative review of the studies that focused on the theme of the political passage from autocracies to democracies, inserted in the area of political science called democratic transition. Thus, the research question that will guide all the work is: how was the concept of democratic transition coined within the field of political science? Seeking to map: which are the fundamental authors in the field of study about transitions, how they dialogue with each other over time, which themes and ideas are fundamental to the course of the debate and how the arguments are related. The review will go from the construction of the field in 1950, with the functionalist theories of democracy to the present day, in which there is a dual construction about the concepts of transitology and consolidology. Finally, the chronological construction will have a bibliometric character, with the quantification of the field of studies, in a sample within the base of Scopus about the term “Democratic Transition”;. This resulted in some reflections on the origin of the works indexed on the platform and on the very Westernized formulation of the concepts of democracy and transition, which carries with it methodological and theoretical consequences for the construction of the field. The research has a revisionist character and thus does not seek to exhaust the debate that is so fundamental in the humanities but proposes some interpretations and reflections that may help in future research in the field.
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