On the Relations Between Macroeconomic Conditions and the Policy Setting: Trade-Offs of the Rentistic State and the Defense Economy In Saudi Arabia





The objective of this article is to analyze the characteristics of the economic and geostrategic model of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, based on the country's positioning vis-à-vis its regional territory in the Middle East, due to typical conditions of the rented state and in terms of defense economics. Through the case study and the exploratory-descriptive methodology, the current economic model that supports its robust strategic strategy. In order to demonstrate this, the article presents changes in the case of the Saudi that is relevant in geostrategic terms for a region, and then, on a rentier state model that receives revenue in large part from hydrocarbons. Then, the characterization of the Kingdom's military procurement system is presented, such as its sales and its model of Armed Forces and investment in its defense industry, including the acquisition of platforms and armaments used abroad.


Keywords: Saudi Arabia; Defense; Strategic Surrounding; Armed Forces.

Author Biography

Sabrina Evangelista Medeiros, Escola de Guerra Naval

Professora Associada de Relações Internacionais da Escola de Guerra Naval, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Marítimos. Foi Faculty em Defense Economicos do Inter-American Defense College (IADC, Washington, DC). PRofessora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Comparada da UFRJ entre 2006 e 2016. Doutora em Ciência Política pelo IUPERJ/IESP (2005), com bolsa no WZB, Berlin (DAAD).


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How to Cite

Nunes, A., Delgado, F., & Medeiros, S. E. (2020). On the Relations Between Macroeconomic Conditions and the Policy Setting: Trade-Offs of the Rentistic State and the Defense Economy In Saudi Arabia. Conjuntura Global, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.5380/cg.v9i1.70128


