The BRICS, A Post-Hegemonic Model With Its Own Normativity: How do the BRICS reach to influence WTO law through the oriented use of WHO policies?


  • Meryl Thiel



In response to Krasner's view, exclusively focused on geopolitical tensions and power games on the world stage, Keohane’s counter-multilateralism approach brings a solution: that of cooperation. The fact remains that the explanation delivered by international relations overlooks the fundamental role of law. Currently, the BRICS legal policy presents itself as a paradigmatic model, which shows how Krasner's and Keohane's theories complement one another, thanks to their targeted use of international law. This paper aims to demonstrate that the BRICS — in defining an innovative and independent legal policy influence normativity processes — are a post-hegemonic construction, with their own normativity, intended to fight against the organized hypocrisy of our international system. In view of the question of how the BRICS participate in the moralization of capitalism, I have considered the hypothesis of a BRICS hegemony, in the sense that the forms of cooperation promoted by the group are innovative and are not corresponding to any concept currently in force: the group uses WTO and WHO's health policies to curb world trade regulations. The main idea of this paper is to try to articulate the international relations theories with a legal analysis. In other words, my working assumption is that to be able to design its own normativity, the group diverts the WTO's political and legal mechanisms, via the WHO's health requirements, and is, therefore, rising as a new hegemonic formation.


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Como Citar

Thiel, M. (2019). The BRICS, A Post-Hegemonic Model With Its Own Normativity: How do the BRICS reach to influence WTO law through the oriented use of WHO policies?. Conjuntura Global, 8(2).



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