Nursing diagnoses and actions to chronically-ill patients under home care


  • Viviani Camboin Meireles
  • Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
  • Laura Misue Matsuda
  • Sonia Silva Marcon



Família, Diagnóstico de enfermagem, Intervenção de enfermagem, Doenças crônicas, Family, Nurse diagnosis, Nurse treatment, Familia, Diagnóstico de enfermería, Intervenciones de enfermería, Enfermedad crónica


This is a descriptive exploratory study which had the objective of identifying diagnoses to a specific population and select interventions for the most frequent ones. Data were collected from four families health history who have had chronically-ill members assisted during 2003 by professionals and undergraduates, under HUM ( Home care and support for families with chronically-ill patients) in Southern Brazil communities. Most of the families were the nuclear type and all the members were elders. In order to define the diagnosis the taxonomic NANDA II was used. The most frequently identified diagnoses were: inadequate control of the therapeutic regimen, potential risk of metabolic complications, damaged skin integrity, impaired mobility which resulted in nursing treatment based on pertaining literature. The suggested interventions were related to food diet, physical exercises and proper medicine use. The diagnoses evidenced the need to develop self-care strategies and actions to put forth effective care rendering to individuals and their families.

How to Cite

Meireles, V. C., de Oliveira, M. L. F., Matsuda, L. M., & Marcon, S. S. (2005). Nursing diagnoses and actions to chronically-ill patients under home care. Cogitare Enfermagem, 10(3).


