A humanized multiprofessional view on the treatment of drug dependents in a psychiatric ward of a general hospital in Paraná


  • Francine Giselle Keiko Yotoko Ferreira
  • Jaqueline Andréia Luz
  • Ladislao Obrzut-Neto
  • Katia Aparecida Santos




Drogas ilícitas, Humanização da assistência, Reforma psiquiátrica, Humanizing, Psychietric reform, Street drugs, Dependencia Química, Humanización de la Asistencia, Reforma Psiquiátrica


This paper suggests a treatment proposal for drug dependents of the psychiatric ward of a main Hospital, more specifically the Santa Casa de Irati Paraná State/ Brazil, which is a reference for other eight neighboring municipalities. The purpose is to inform about the work which has been developed in the drug dependence area in general hospitals. Therefore, a therapeutic plan was elaborated in order to enable health care workers to act properly during outbursts, prevent relapses and also contribute for a short-term rehabilitation, working together with the patients relatives. In order to support this proposal, data of alcohol and drug dependent patients were collected in 2002, along with a literature review to outline the profile of those patients who search for this service.

How to Cite

Ferreira, F. G. K. Y., Luz, J. A., Obrzut-Neto, L., & Santos, K. A. (2005). A humanized multiprofessional view on the treatment of drug dependents in a psychiatric ward of a general hospital in Paraná. Cogitare Enfermagem, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.5380/ce.v10i2.5009



Experience/ Case Report