The application of Bourdieusian concepts about field, habitus and capital, applying them to the nursing field


  • Vera Lúcia de Oliveira Gomes
  • Vânia Marli Schubert Backes
  • Marta Regina de Cezar Vaz



Campo, Habitus, Capital, Cuidar, Field, Care


This study aimed at understand and interpret the Bourdieus conceptions about field, habitus and capital, applying them to the Nursing field. It was learned the Nursing field is moved by interests, like other fields. Between them, there is the interest of knowledge mounting, in other words, scientific capital. The habitus concept appeared to be appropriate to base the Nursing studies about the taking care process. In this way, the academic formation, the structure of the services, the professionals and clients class habitus need to be constantly considered, questioned and confronted, in order to refresh the taking care process and make it attend the evolution of knowledging in the scientific field. However, being considered that the habitus is mainly incorporate in the lifes firsts year, its job is more promising in the children taking care process, bearing in mind the incorporation of habitus that promote health and life quality.

How to Cite

Gomes, V. L. de O., Backes, V. M. S., & Vaz, M. R. de C. (2005). The application of Bourdieusian concepts about field, habitus and capital, applying them to the nursing field. Cogitare Enfermagem, 10(1).


