Educating for a healthy traffic behavior: a nursing contribution


  • Vanina Battisti Roberti Bova
  • Marilene Loewen Wall



Enfermagem, Educação em Saúde, Acidentes de Trânsito, Nursing, Health education, Accidents Traffic, Enfermería, Educación en salud, Accidentes de tránsito


It is an experienced account whose general goal objectified to make schoolchildren aware of the importance of a healthy traffic behavior, aiming to decrease the high accident rates involving pedestrians and cyclists; as to specific goals, perform educational tasks in order to encourage children for the adoption of a healthy traffic behavior and motivate others they live with to do the same, besides working out a didactic material on prevention of traffic accidents. Thus, two educational meetings were held with 4th graders of a municipal school in the metropolitan area of Curitiba City, Paraná State/ Brazil, where group dynamics and highly motivating classes were carried out. By means of this practice, it was observed that traffic education is the best way to make people aware of having a healthy traffic behavior, thus contributing for the decrease of accident rates involving pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, that is, human beings.

How to Cite

Bova, V. B. R., & Wall, M. L. (2005). Educating for a healthy traffic behavior: a nursing contribution. Cogitare Enfermagem, 10(1).



Experience/ Case Report