Talking on the Radio as a Political Strategy. An ethnographical portrait of the schism among afro-cultural groups in Ilhéus, Bahia
rádio, Ilhéus (Sul da Bahia), movimento afro-cultural.Abstract
A schism took place in 2004 oposing some of the members of the Conselho de Entidades Afro-Culturais de Ilhéus/Bahia (CEACI) against the group closer to its president. On that occasion, the dissidents resorted to local media in order to denounce the president’s behavior and forcing him to clarify some aspects of his administration. For this purpose Radio stations were their number one communication option. "Going to the radio" is part of a political strategy employed by different social segments. In general, this resource is used when others have failed. This article presents a brief analytical description of the dispute mentioned above and of the roles played by broadcasting in that context. – a kind of ethnographical portrait made of the occurrences which took place at the local stations.
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