1. Campos – Revista de Antropologia accepts the following contributions, which can be submitted in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish (for publication in the original language):
1.1. Articles: Articles must be unpublished. Must not exceed 12,000 words, including pictures, notes and references.
1.2. Bibliographic essays: critical assessment of the contribution of one or several books, as long as they deal with related themes, to the Anthropology field. They must present a complete reference of the analyzed works, indicating the number of pages of each one. Must not exceed 6,000 words, including references and notes.
1.3. Reviews: reviews of ethnographic books or films edited in the last three years, whether national or foreign. They must present in the title the complete reference of the analyzed work, according to the bibliographic standard adopted by the journal. They must not contain notes or bibliographical references outside the text. Must not exceed 2000 words.
1.4. Translations: translations of relevant works in the field of Anthropology and unavailable in Portuguese. They must be accompanied by a copy of the original used in the translation, as well as the authorization of the copyright holder (author and/or publishers) allowing their publication in Portuguese. Any payment of fees relating to the authorization of the translation is responsibility of the translation proponent. Must not exceed 12,000 words, including figures, notes and references.
1.5. Interviews: must present the name(s) of the interviewee(s) as the first author(s), followed by the name(s) of the interviewer(s). It should contain a presentation of about 500 words. Submissions must be accompanied by the authorization of the interviewee, agreeing with the publication of the work. Must not exceed 12,000 words.
1.6. Ethnophotographic essays: visual essays containing between 6 and 12 images, b&w or color, with resolution from 300 dpi. Subtitles are optional. The essays must be accompanied by a presentation with up to 2,000 words and the necessary authorizations for the use of the image.
2. All indexed submissions, with the exception of reviews, must be accompanied by three elements: title, abstract and keywords, all presented in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, displayed on the first page of the material. The abstract must contain between 100 and 150 words. The keyword list must contain between three and five descriptors, separated by a semicolon. It is recommended to use the UNESCO Thesaurus to define the descriptors.
3. Submissions in continuous flow and through specific calls are accepted.
4. The pertinence for publication will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee, with regard to the adequacy of the profile and editorial line of Campos – Revista de Antropologia (desk review), and by ad hoc reviewers in a double blind review, with regard to the content and quality of the contributions.
5. Submissions must be sent exclusively via the journal's portal (https://revistas.ufpr.br/campos). Texts must be submitted in .DOC format (PDF submissions will not be accepted). The first version of the text must be submitted without any author identification marks (ie, no name and institutional information, acknowledgments, linking the article to research projects and funding), ensuring blind peer review. For the same reason, self-authored works that may be cited in the manuscript must be replaced by the following notation: Author/a, year.
6. During submission, authors must register the following metadata on the platform: full name; ORCID ID, institutional affiliation (institution name in full), country, biography summary (maximum degree), submission title, abstract, field of knowledge, keywords, language and, if applicable, research funding agency . References are also requested (with doi, whenever available) in the respective field of the OJS platform, which hosts the journal.
7. Images (in JPG, TIFF or GIF format) must always be sent as supplementary documents, one by one, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi. The main text must indicate the insertion point of the images. In the text, all figures must be numbered and titled correctly, including the proper source of the image and, when applicable, authorization for its reproduction.
8. The texts must be formatted considering the following parameters: A4 size; 3 cm margins; Times New Roman font, size 12; 1.5 line spacing; spacing between paragraphs 0; justified alignment; special indentation in the first row 1.25. Quotations longer than three lines must appear in a proper paragraph, with indentation of four centimeters, font Times New Roman, size 11, line spacing 1.0.
9. The use of notes should be reserved for clarification and substantive additions to the text. The use of merely referential notes should be avoided, and the reference to the bibliography should be inserted directly in the body of the text in the format of the author's surname/comma/year of publication/colon/page, as in the example: (Sahlins, 1995:43- 47). It is recommended that notes not exceed 500 characters with space.
10. The use of italics must be reserved for foreign words, native terms and titles of works cited in the body of the text. Bold and underline should not be used in the body of the text.
11. Campos adopts the reference style of the American Psychological Association (APA) - 6a. ed. Arranged in alphabetical order at the end of the work, the references must respect (with special attention to the use of capital letters, italics, punctuation and order of elements) the format that appears in the following examples:
a) book
Sole author: Dumont, L. (1966). Homo hierarchicus: le système des castes et ses implications. Paris: Gallimard.
Two or more authors: Comaroff, J., & Comaroff. J. (1992). Ethnography and the Historical Imagination. Colorado: Westview Press.
b) full collection
Overing, J. (ed). (1985). Reason and Morality. London & New Yoik: Tavistock Publications.
c) book chapter
Strathern, M. (1980). No nature, no culture: the Hagen case. In C. MacCormack, & M. Strathern (eds). Nature, culture and gender (pp. 174-222). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
d) journal article
Herzfeld, M. (2019). What is a polity? 2018 Lewis H. Morgan Lecture. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 9(1), 23-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/703684
e) academic thesis
Garcia Jr, A. R. (1983). O Sul: Caminho do Roçado - Estratégias de Reprodução Camponesa e Transformação Social (Phd thesis). National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.
12. Authors retain copyright to work published under Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
13. The statements and concepts issued in signed articles are the absolute responsibility of their authors.
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:
1 Authors retain copyright to work published under Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) which allows:
Share — copy and redistribute material in any medium or format
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