The influence of the information published in “social networks” in the process of selection and recruitment: an exploratory study in the literature
Social Networks, Job vacancies, Recruitment and selection, Digital identity, CybervettingAbstract
Introduction: In a society that goes increasingly online, the relationship between people spread naturally to the network, to sites known as "social networks". In this replication, certain ways of communicating and self-representation, benign in offline state, can be very harmful professionally when played online. Thus, the objective of this research is to reflect on the importance - in professional terms – of the profile that is created on, or by the use of, online social networks (as Facebook and other similar sites), considering the influence of the activity developed there in the attainment of a labor contract. Method: In order to reflect on the influence of the activity performed online - on Facebook or similar sites - in obtaining an employment contract, a literature review was conducted in the form of exploratory research. It included bibliographical and documentary sources, among which 16 primary studies conducted between 2008 and 2014, covering the perspective of researchers and recruiters on this issue seeking to answer three questions, as follows: a) those responsible for human resources and/or other decision-makers, regarding employee management, effectively seek online information about potential employees? b) the information found has a relevant role in the decision of these HR managers? c) those, who are looking for a job, should take care of their "digital image" even in Social Networks considered nonprofessional? Results: The request for information, in the so-called "Social Networks", is performed along the process of selection and recruitment of candidates for job vacancies. This practice, called cybervetting, also covers online social networks taken as non-professional and, taking into account the studies analyzed, is expected an increase of its frequency. The information found there is also considered in the assessment of the candidates of job vacancies since as it is understood, by many recruiters, as part of the "digital identity" of the individual in question. It is verified, equally, that the influence of the information obtained in this way tends not to be favorable to the potential employee. Conclusions: From the point of view of recruiters, the practice of cybervetting is often seen as a professional duty to find the most suitable candidate. On the side of the candidates urges greater awareness of the impact that online activity may have professionally. The effects on their "digital image" are similar to those of a tattoo, leaves hardly removable marks.
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